Sunday, July 4, 2010

Ashirvad school for AIDS affected/infected children

Today the Justice League Team (David, Victoria, Megan, Peter) visited a school for children infected and affected by AIDs. From the moment we laid eyes on them, we knew it was gonna be a good day. They absolutely took your breath away. They were beautiful and kind and generous and affectionate. Their love was all that we needed after the tough time we have had adjusting to our tough schedule. With so much to prepare and almost no time to do it, the our team has been running on fumes and prayers. We've been feeling overwhelmed and under-equipped to love properly.

Please pray for our energy, focus, and harmony. With the tough schedule and jetlag exhaustion, we're finding it hard to love as we should.

Though at the school, love was in plenty, as the kids gushed over us.

Honestly, it was hard to imagine that these bright, happy, loving children were either infected with HIV/AIDS, or had parents who were infected with HIV/AIDS... or both.

After dinner, we saw our first reminder that these were no ordindary children. We quietly observed some of the children taking their medication, and fought back tears that were welling up.

In our team brief, we couldn't hold back the tears any longer as we prayed. We were so grateful to have met these kids, and so humbled by their love. We were in awe of the love of Jesus, as he redeemed these kids as His own.

We prepared hard last night to prepare a lesson for these kids.

But the only lessons given today, were for us.

Please pray for team Hyderagood (Drew, Candice, Daniela, Naomi) who are out in the field in the remote rural areas this week. It was an unexpected assignment that they accepted with a servant's heart.

Also Tiffany on Team Pulse, is battling a cold. Please pray for her as well.

1 comment:

  1. Such a great photo! Keep up the great work team! May God sustain you through this summer, and may you say "yes" quickly to what he asks. Love to you!
